Haala dinqisiisaa fi namni hin beekneen bilbila keessan cufuuf

Selfie kan seene Yeroo namni seene PIN dogoggoraa galchu suuraa dhoksaa kaasi Suuraa nama seene kallattiin email inbox keessan keessatti ergaa
Unlock irratti beeksisa seenuu agarsiisi
Money Lock Screen jechuun iskiriinii qulfii ofii ofii seenuu adda ta’eedha

Waa’ee nageenya bilbila harkaa keessanii, yeroo rafaa fi imala fi keessumaa gabaa sochii guddaa qabu ykn bakka namoonni itti baay’atan keessatti ni yaadda’a. Mobaayilli keessan humna gahaa akka of kunuunsu barbaadduu? Sana booda, Anti-Theft Alarm: Appii bilbila koo hin tuqinaa buufadhaa, yaaddoo nageenya bilbila harkaa keessanii irraa bilisa of baasi.

Hanga mobaayilli keessan harka keessan keessa jirutti its safe, garuu yeroo dhiyootti bilbila harkaa keessan chaarjii gochuuf illee safe zone ala ta’ee dhiiftu. Namni kamiyyuu bilbila harkaa keessan yeroo chaarjii irra jiru keessattuu yeroo password keessan beeku hojjechuu danda’a. Anti theft alarm utilizes a special don not touch my phone pocket sensor (proximity sensor) yeroo bilbilli harkaa isaa nama biraatiin tuqamu abbaa qabeenyaa adda baasuu fi beeksisuu danda’a. Bilbila koo hin tuqin alarmiin bilbila harkaa keessan keessumaa yeroo bakka namoonni itti baay’atan tokko tokkotti ala jirtan kiisha saamtoota irraa eega.

Do your friends or family members snoop into your phone without your consent?

Are you anxious that you may lose your phone? With anti-theft alarm you can prevent your phone from being stolen or lost.

Money lock screen makes your device inoperable to the thief even after he restarts the phone or kills the app. The alarm continues to ring until the right password is entered.

Do you hate inquisitive people trying to access your phone (WhatsApp, Instagram, Facebook, texts and emails etc.) and misuse it?

Use theft alarm if you don’t want anybody to use your device without your permission.

Use case:
1) When charging your device if anybody disconnects it, then a loud siren will help you to prevent theft or misuse by using charger mode.
2) At work, you may place your phone on top of your laptop and enable motion mode. If anybody tries to access your laptop or phone then instantly an alarm will ring and scare them away.
3) While travelling in public transport you can guard your device from being stolen from your pocket using proximity mode.
4) Theft alarm may also be used to surprise your colleagues and friends, who access your phone without your consent.
5) Theft alarm can also be used to prevent your kids and family members from using your phone when you’re not around.
6) An alarm will ring which will continue until the right password is entered. Stopping the app does not stop the alarm. Device restart also does not stop the alarm. Only the right password can stop the alarm.

1) Thief cannot close the app or reduce the alarm volume without knowing your password.
2) Siren will resume if your phone is restarted.
3) Loud alarm is triggered even if your phone is in silent mode.
4) Phone vibrates and screen flashes similar to police lights when the alarm is activated.
5) Choice of alarm sounds and lots of other settings available for customization.

Loud alarm is triggered when:
1) Charger is disconnected from your phone
2) If your phone is picked up from its resting position
3) When your phone is stolen from your pocket

Protect your phone from robbers. Thieves be wary of this app.


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